
Articles Posted in Workers’ Compensation


Florida Court Denies Workers’ Compensation Over Doctor Choice

Workers’ compensation laws can be confusing to navigate. Minor details like choice of doctor can change the validity of your claim even if you believed you were in the right. Working with a workers’ compensation attorney can help you navigate these claims and complex laws before you mistakenly make a…


Florida Appeals Court Overturns Lower Court Decision in Workers’ Compensation Case

In a recent case, the First District Court of Appeals in Florida issued an opinion in an appeal involving a benefits dispute between an employer and an employee. The claimant is a former emergency medical technician (EMT) that has post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which the employer does not dispute. Instead,…


Florida Appeals Court Affirms Lower Court Decision in Workers’ Compensation Case

In a recent case, the First District Court of Appeals in Florida issued an opinion in an appeal involving a benefits dispute between an employer and an employee. The claimant has hypertension which was previously adjudicated as compensable. Following that adjudication, he filed a petition for benefits seeking payments of…


Florida Appeals Court Reverses Lower Court Order in Workers’ Compensation Case

Recently, the First District Court of Appeals in Florida issued an opinion in an appeal involving a workers’ compensation claim dispute. The claimant initially filed a Petition for Benefits (PFB) with the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) in the Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims (JCC) requesting medical and…


Florida Appeals Court Dismisses Compensation Claim, Affirming Lower Court Decision

Recently, the First District Court of Appeals in Florida issued an opinion in an appeal involving a workers’ compensation claim from a worker serving as a laundry attendant at a hotel who claimed to suffer a back injury lifting a mattress. According to the record, the attendant stated that he…


Florida Construction Worker Killed in Tragic Workplace Accident

As communities in Florida and nationwide continue to make investments in infrastructure and development projects, construction remains a powerhouse of industry in the state. Unfortunately, construction jobs can be hazardous for both the workers as well as members of the public. A 27-year-old construction worker was recently killed in an…


Florida Plaintiff Successfully Rebuts Employer’s Claim that He Failed to Follow Course of Prescribed Treatment for Heart Disease

In a recent decision, the First District Court of Appeal in Florida addressed a worker’s compensation claim revolving around one individual’s heart disease. On appeal, the court had to decide whether the individual qualified for benefits based on a Florida statute stating that if a plaintiff departs from his doctor’s…


Employer Compelled to Pay for Home Healthcare Expenses Under Workers’ Compensation Case

Florida workers’ compensation law is designed to allow for workplace injuries to be addressed and relieved efficiently and without undue difficulty for the injured employee who seeks treatment. In reality, offering functional workers’ compensation coverage costs employers and providers money, and they will often delay or deny coverage to prop…


A Primer on Florida Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Workers’ compensation, sometimes known as workers’ comp, is a type of insurance that provides wage replacement and medical benefits to qualifying Florida employees who suffered injuries or illness in the course of their employment. Employers offer this benefit in exchange for the employee’s relinquishment of their right to sue the…


Florida Appellate Court Rules in Favor of Claimant in Independent Medical Examination Case

In a recent decision, the First District Court of Appeals in Florida issued an opinion in an appeal involving a cancellation fee charged by the Employer/Carrier’s (E/C) independent medical examiner (IME). According to the record, Claimant was required to attend the independent medical examination while wearing a mask by the…

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