
Articles Posted in Workers’ Compensation


Filing a Third-Party Personal Injury Lawsuit After a Florida Workplace Accident

Florida’s Workers’ Compensation Law provides workers with benefits if they suffer injuries at work or while in the scope of their employment duties. At first glance, the system appears as a quick and efficient way for Florida employees to obtain benefits for their injuries and return to work. However, the…


Exceptions to Florida’s Workers’ Compensation Immunity

Under Florida law, employers with four or more employees must purchase workers’ compensation insurance. Additionally, construction businesses must provide this insurance for every employee. This coverage is essential to both business owners and employees, because it covers various expenses related to workplace injuries. The insurance is designed to cover injuries…


Maximum Medical Improvement and Florida Workers Compensation Eligibility

Recently, Florida’s First District Court of Appeal issued an opinion addressing a claimant’s eligibility to temporary partial disability benefits after an expert medical advisor opined that he reached maximum medical improvement. Under the Florida State Workers’ Compensation Program, employees who suffered injuries at their workplace or during the scope of…


Can an Injured Florida Worker Request a Change of Doctor?

When someone is hurt in a Florida workplace accident, they can pursue a claim under the Florida Workers’ Compensation Act. If approved, a workers’ compensation claim provides an injured employee with medical treatment and ongoing compensation for the time they are unable to work. Doctors have a critical role in…


Can an Employee Hold a Co-Worker Responsible in a Florida Workplace Accident Case?

When someone is injured on the job, they can typically file a claim for compensation based on the injuries they sustained. There are two types of claims, Florida workers’ compensation claims and Florida personal injury claims. A workers’ compensation claim does not require an employee establish another party was at…


Florida Court Rejects Employer’s Termination of Workers’ Comp Benefits after 15 Years

Workers’ compensation cases do not necessarily end when a claimant receives a decision in the case. Employers that originally agreed to pay for treatment may try to stop paying for treatment at some point. In a recent case before a Florida appeals court, the court rejected an employer’s termination of…


Florida Court Rejects Injured Employee’s Workers’ Compensation Claim for Temporary Partial Disability

When someone is injured in a Florida workplace accident and cannot immediately return to work, they may be entitled to Florida workers’ compensation benefits while they are recovering from their injuries. There are two types of temporary workers’ compensation benefits: temporary partial disability (TPD) benefits and temporary total disability (TTD)…


How the Jones Act May Help Injured Seamen Recover for Work-Related Injuries

When someone is injured in a Florida workplace accident, compensation may be available through several sources. One option for the injured employee is to apply for Florida workers’ compensation benefits. One good thing about workers’ compensation benefits is that an employee can obtain benefits without a showing of fault. However,…


Court Limits Employer’s Duty in Recent Case Stemming from Pedestrian-Railroad Fatality

Recently, a state appellate court issued a written opinion in a Florida pedestrian accident case involving the duty a defendant employer owes to a plaintiff employee. The case presented the court with the opportunity to discuss the outer limits of an employer’s duty to protect an employee. Ultimately, the court…


When Can an Injured Employee Seek Compensation through a Workplace Injury Lawsuit?

Workplace injuries occur frequently in many professions, and this is especially the case for jobs in the construction and manufacturing industries. When a worker is injured on the job, there are several potential avenues that the worker can pursue to obtain compensation for their injuries.The first option is a workers’…

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